Identification And Placement Process Gifted Referral and Eligibility Process
The Identification and Placement process in Culpeper County uses multiple criteria. An Identification and Placement Committee meeting will be held within 90 school days from the date that written parent permission is received to determine eligibility. The criteria evaluated in the gifted education identification process include the following:
Assessment of student products, portfolios, or performance.
Teacher evaluation and observations
Student Interview and/or classroom observations
Aptitude and achievement test scores
Student academic record
Because identification criteria and services vary greatly among localities, transfer students who have been receiving gifted education services in other school divisions do not automatically receive services in Culpeper County. The Gifted Education Resource Teacher will review the student's files, and Culpeper County's formal identification process will be initiated. In appropriate cases, data required for identification will be collected and combined with data from the student's previous school. When enrolling, please notify the school of the student's identification for services in another locality.
After a decision is made regarding the student's eligibility and placement, parents will be notified in writing. For ineligible students, the notification letter includes a notice of the right to appeal. The gifted specialist is available to meet with parents to explain the committee’s decision
Notification of Right to Appeal
Parents/guardians or school personnel who disagree with the decision of the Identification/Placement Committee may contact the school’s principal to set up a conference to review the decision. Contact must be made within ten (10) instructional days of notification of the decision made by the Identification/Placement Committee. If at the end of this meeting the appealing party still wishes to appeal the decision, s/he must request, in writing, the convening of the Culpeper County Schools’Appeal Committee. Such a written request is made to the gifted education program coordinator within five (5) instructional days from the conference with the principal. Upon receiving the written request for an appeal, the appeal process is initiated. The Culpeper County Schools’Appeal Committee will convene within forty-five (45) instructional days of the gifted education program coordinator receiving the written request for an appeal.