What's Up - Activities and Events for Kids
NOTE: The events and activities included in this publication are not CCPS sponsored
Culpeper County Public Schools (CCPS) is pleased to announce that we are bringing back our newsletter called “What’s Up! – Activities and Events for Kids.”
This monthly publication serves as a means of advertising for Culpeper County-based organizations and businesses to advertise their youth-oriented activities and events.
Culpeper County-based organizations and businesses are invited to submit their youth-oriented activities and events for consideration for this publication. CCPS will review and approve or deny requests for publication in the newsletter through the Student Services Department. Advertisements of 100-200 words are due on or before the 15th of each month for publication in the next month’s issue.
Our goal is to publish each issue on the last Friday of the month for the upcoming month.
Email submissions to whatsup@ccpsweb.org. Please include name/company/organization and contact information with the request to publish.