table with two floral centerpieces on either side of a table sign for table 8 with programs that say 2023-2024 Retirement Banquet on them

On Thursday, May 30, 2024, Culpeper County Public Schools honored our 2023-2024 retirees with a dinner event at Old House Vineyards. The event was organized by the Human Resources Department. Attendees included the retirees, their guests, school administrators, CCPS senior staff, including Division Superintendent Dr. Tony Brads, and the CCPS School Board.

Each retiree was honored with a gift and a reading about their service to CCPS and their plans for retirement. The evening concluded with closing remarks from School Board Chair Barbee Brown.

The dinner was catered by Green Ribbon with delicious cupcakes by Sweets by Monique. Eastern View High School horticulture students made gorgeous floral centerpieces for the tables that our retirees took home as well as white coursages and boutinierres for them to wear during the festivities.

Click here to read about each of our retirees.