School Health Advisory Board

The Culpeper County Public Schools (CCPS) School Health Advisory Board (SHAB) convened on Thursday, March 28, 2024 to assess the progress of CCPS towards its wellness goals and objectives. Attended by school health teams and community partners, the meeting served as a platform to review data submitted by all CCPS schools, reflecting advancements towards CCPS Wellness Goals.

wellness goals: nutrition, physical activity, social emotional

Led by the SHAB leadership team, the gathering commenced with an introduction by CCPS Communication Director Laura Hoover. Subsequently, the other leadership team members shared insights gleaned from the data collection process. Greg Beamer, Director of Food Service, delivered a comprehensive overview of nutrition goals, including updates on the spring 2024 federal review and the efficacy of nutrition education initiatives such as the Harvest of the Month Program.

Kristina Wenger, CCPS Curriculum Specialist, provided a detailed analysis of data pertaining to Physical Activity in our schools. She highlighted the positive strides made in increasing opportunities for physical engagement across all schools. Also highlighted were areas of growth that we can address to further improve physical activity in our schools.

Additionally, Dr. Russell Houck, Executive Director of Student Services, presented encouraging developments in the area of Emotional And Social Well-Being, with a special emphasis on the improvement in student substance abuse data from Fall 2022 to Fall 2023. Dr. Houck also outlined proactive measures undertaken by CCPS to address substance abuse concerns, including the implementation of the Youth Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Project (YADAPP) in our high schools beginning next year. YADAPP is a peer-led program for high school students to address underage substance use at the high school level. (

The meeting culminated with the team outlining actionable next steps, including securing funding sources for wellness programs that are currently ESSER funded, and refining the data collection process to better track progress towards wellness objectives.

Reflecting on the meeting, Beamer said, "I would like to thank the Culpeper community for their involvement in the process. I will add a special thanks to each school building administration and staff that always supports our child nutrition program." Hoover added, "The School Health Advisory Board is evidence of the collective commitment of our schools and the entire Culpeper community to fostering wellness within CCPS. It is truly exciting to be a part of this community and I look forward to seeing the work continue.”

nutrition director presenting information in auditorium wth screen behind him that says nutrition