CCPS Steam weekend success Maker Energy Faire with logo and pictures of older student helping younger student on the computer and in shop; group photo of art teachers at the art show

Culpeper County Public Schools (CCPS) celebrated a weekend of creativity and innovation on March 9 and 10, 2024, with two highly anticipated events drawing crowds from across the community. The pouring rain on Saturday did not stop the overwhelming enthusiasm for the 5th Annual Maker Energy Faire and the 20th Annual CCPS Art Show as thousands of attendees flocked to experience the festivities.

The Maker Energy Faire, sponsored by Career Partners, held at the Culpeper Technical Education Center (CTEC), captivated visitors of all ages with its hands-on activities and interactive exhibits. Folks were lined up at the doors to be the first ones to enter and experience the fun.

Reflecting on the success of the day, Career Partners Board Member Roque Castro said, “This event encapsulated everything we hold dear: it engaged our students, showcased the incredible opportunities our youth are pursuing through our public schools, and brought our community leaders together to witness the remarkable achievements of Culpeper's youth.” Castro continued, “The Maker Energy Faire was a melting pot of generations, with children interacting with adults and with each other. Families came together, and the pervasive atmosphere of joy was palpable. Smiles for days! Despite the challenging weather conditions, we did not let it dampen our spirits.”

Simultaneously, the 20th Annual CCPS Art Show unfolded at the Germanna Community College Daniel Technology Center, showcasing the artistic prowess of students from across the school division. With the gallery doors open from 11am to 3pm on Saturday and 11am to 2pm on Sunday, visitors were treated to a stunning array of paintings, sculptures, and multimedia creations. The event provided a platform for CCPS artists to share their talents with the community, fostering an appreciation for the arts that resonated throughout the weekend.

CCPS Division Superintendent, Dr.Tony Brads, expressed his delight at the overwhelming success of the weekend's festivities. "We are thrilled to see such strong community support for these events," remarked Dr. Brads. "They exemplify the spirit of innovation and creativity that we strive to cultivate within our schools. It's truly heartening to witness the enthusiasm and talent of our students showcased on such a grand scale."

As STEAM weekend came to an end, Culpeper County Public Schools extended its gratitude to the community for their enthusiastic participation. The resounding success of the 5th Annual Maker Energy Faire and the 20th Annual CCPS Art Show serves as a testament to the school division’s commitment to fostering excellence and imagination in education.