K 1 Reading textbooks available for review with picture of children reading

Culpeper County Public Schools will be adopting Kindergarten and First Grade reading materials and is seeking input from parents, teachers, and community members.   The materials will be available for review online from November 27, 2023 to January 19, 2023.  Materials can be accessed online any time during the review period at the following site:  

K-1 Reading Adoption Site

 The textbooks will also be available for in-person review at Culpeper County School Board Office, 471 James Madison Highway, Suite 201 on January 3, 2024 from 1:30 to 4:30pm. 

 An evaluation survey will be available for feedback on the site and at the in-person review.  The completed surveys will be submitted to the Textbook Selection Committee and the feedback will be used in assisting the committee with its final recommendations to the School Board for approval.

 For further information, contact Susan Campbell, Division Curriculum Specialist for English, at 825-3677, or e-mail her at scampbell@culpeperschools.org.