Human Resources

It is the responsibility of the Human Resources department to recruit, employ and retain quality staff who empower our students to become outstanding citizens and remarkable achievers in their chosen career paths.

In addition, this department is responsible for administering a comprehensive human resources program that fosters a workplace environment that encourages teamwork and professional growth.

who's who in HR and Finance, Julie Hill, HR Specialist, ext 3116, Beverly Simmons Payroll ADMINISTRATOR, Jennifer Shaw Payroll Coordinator, Anne Schuyler Administrative Assistant, Amanda Washington Administrative Assistant, Chloe Edwards, Licensure and Employment Specialist, Cyndi Rogers, Division Lead Mentor, Laura Hoover Director of Communciation and Grant, Michelle Metzgar Executive Director, Philinda Fought Division Receptionist, Caroline Menzies Morris Benefits Administrator

Human Resources Team

Michelle Metzgar

Michelle Metzgar

Executive Director of Human Resources

Chloe Edwards

Chloe Edwards

Licensure & Employment Specialist

Amanda Washington

Amanda Washington

Administrative Assistant

Cyndi Rogers

Cyndi Rogers

Division Lead Mentor

CCPS logo

Philinda Fought

Division Receptionist

Julie HIll

Julie Hill

HR Specialist

Caroline Menzies

Caroline Menzies-Morris

Benefits Administrator

Anne Schuyler

Anne Schuyler

Administrative Assistant

Laura Hoover

Laura Hoover

Director of Communication and Grants