group of elementary students on a school stage holding certificates.  there is a sign above them that says CCPS Spelling Bee in front of a purple curtain
teal background with CCPS logo and text that says school calendars approved 2025-2026 & 2026-2027
teal background with gold letters that say Out of Zone renewal Period January 15 to March 31, applications linked below
Pearl Sample Elementary News
Pearl Sample Elementary News
A collage of three photos showcasing mentors from Culpeper County Public Schools. The first photo features three women standing in front of a festive holiday backdrop with an inflatable snowman. The second photo shows a young man and a woman standing together in a hallway with lockers in the background. The third photo depicts two women smiling in a school hallway. The banner at the top of the image reads 'Marvelous Mentors,' with the Culpeper County Public Schools logo in the corner.
Pearl Sample Elementary News
Graphic with a dark blue background featuring the silhouette of a saluting soldier in front of an American flag. Text above reads 'Thank You Veterans' in red and white, and below the silhouette it says '- Honoring all who served - November 11.' Vertical red borders with white stars run along the left and right edges
principal standing at podium with balloons next to him with a school bus in the background with a purple banner that says with love always, between the podiuim and the bus is a tree with a plaque
Pearl Sample Elementary News
Read article for more information!
principal with five students in front of "We are Pearl Sample" wall
new student registration now open online for more information go to
young students holding puppets on school stage
spelling bee winners with trophies and certificates
Martin's Round Up program starts January 1 and ends March 31
Spelling Bee winners, holding trophies