September 17 is nationally recognized as Constitution Day. The Virginia Department of Education Website explains:
The goal of Constitution Day is to: perpetuate the Constitution to each succeeding generation; promote the annual national simultaneous recitation of the Preamble across all of America, especially in the schools; involve all the 50 states in the roll call of states in the order they ratified the Constitution or were admitted to the Union; educate each new generation to the uniqueness and brilliance of our Constitution, the most perfect governmental document conceived by man; and show the need to protect and defend it to maintain our liberties. (
In CCPS, schools recognized and celebrated Constitution Day through lessons, activities, displays, voter registration drives and more. Many schools had a red, white and blue spirit day on Monday, September 18, 2023 for Constitution Day. The cover photo includes pictures from Farmington Elementary's Constitution Day activities.
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin proclaimed September 17-23, 2023, as CONSTITUTION WEEK in the COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA.
Students and Staff at Phoenix made red, white and blue tie dye shirts for Constitution Day.
Voter Registration at Eastern View High School.
Constitution Day at Farmington Elementary