A conversation between Kristina Stephens, Special Education Teacher, and Kelly Vetere, Adaptive Recreation Specialist for Culpeper Parks and Recreation, ignited a spark of innovation that would transcend the boundaries of conventional education. Their brainstorming session birthed an idea that not only fostered collaboration but also championed inclusivity within the school community.

When Stephens proposed a collaborative project to gifted education teacher Nicole Harmon, aimed at engaging advanced students in the ACE program in solving real-world dilemmas, both educators eagerly embraced the opportunity. The challenge they set forth was ambitious yet deeply meaningful: design a device consisting of simple machines to facilitate access to recreational activities, particularly bowling, for students with physical limitations.

Galaxy Strikes Bowling in Warrenton emerged as the ideal testing ground for these innovative devices, given its reputation for inclusivity and its past collaboration with organizations such as Special Olympics. With a quick phone call, Brett and Patty Mills, the owners of Galaxy Strikes Bowling, enthusiastically joined the mission.

Under Mrs. Harmon's guidance, ACE students dove into research, planning, and construction, utilizing PVC pipes to craft three distinct adaptive equipment prototypes. These included a traditional ramp, a shuffleboard-style pusher, and a padded frame designed to attach to a wheelchair. The versatility of these devices extended beyond bowling, as evidenced by their use during the Culpeper County Public Schools Annual Special Games, where they enabled students to participate in various events, including those involving kicking.

Prior to the final test at the bowling alley, ACE students collaborated with Ms. Fisher’s class to ensure the devices seamlessly integrated with students’ wheelchairs and facilitated active participation in recreational activities. Further testing within the school environment, with the support of both ACE students and faculty, provided valuable insights and refinements to the designs.

As the culmination of their efforts, the students celebrated the success of the project with a trip to Galaxy Bowling on May 1st. Together, they experienced firsthand the impact of their creations, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of belonging for all participants. The joy and camaraderie shared on that day epitomized the spirit of inclusivity that had guided their journey from conception to realization.