The Field Day shirts and shorts fundraiser continue through this Friday!!! Order your field day swag today! All sales are online:
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
Field Day swag
Field Day swag
Field Day swag
Here's today's Robo call from Mrs. Hoy
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
 robo call
Here are some pics from today's Book Character day!
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
Book character
Book Character
Book Character
Book Character
With today being book character day, AGR students concluded this month of reading activities and themed days and activities. Yesterday, all students did their final DEAR time. Thanks to our reading specialists (and committee) for organizing fun events throughout the month!
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
AGR P.E. teacher Mr. Downs recognized the following students as March's "P.E. Students of the Month"! Those selected each month earn a certificate and water bottle. We only have two more months of school, so keep working hard in P.E. class! Great job Bulldogs!
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
P.E. Students of the Month
Some amazing learning took place in the collages below. What a great opportunity for students to hear about potential career opportunities. This event was coordinated by AGR counselor Mrs. Janine Morrison, & followed the CTEC Field Trip that 5th Grade took in March.
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
Career collage
Career collage
Career collage
Career collage
Career day has been a huge hit! Thanks to almost 20 visitors from the community, 3rd-5th graders went to 3 different careers to learn about! (Collages are coming later)
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
career day
career day
career day
career day
BAM practiced giving back, cleaning up AGR and PSES. At least three large bags were filled today. Great job bulldogs!
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
April is upon us! Here is the elementary and middle school lunch menu
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
April menu
AGR Spirit Night Monday, Apr. 3 from 4-8 p.m. See the flyer for more info!
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
Spirit Night
Todays robo call
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
Robo call
Math specialist Candy Standley organized a College Day for our staff to wear their college colors - which ended up creating this bulletin board. This activity coincides perfectly with March Madness! Great job Mrs. Standley!
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
College Day
Sports Club Group A participated and played floor hockey this morning! HUGE thank you to Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Birch, and Mrs. LaFontaine for volunteering to help with this club!
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
Sports Club
Sports Club
Sports Club
Sports Club
Community members Tripp Butler and Jason Ford visited BAM to discuss the importance of giving back and community service. Next week students will put this into practice by cleaning our school community property.
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
The cafeteria murals are complete! We'd like to give another shout out to @ccpsEVHS students Lily May and Makaia Bliss, as well as EVHS alumni Matthew Fossen. This year, multiple projects have beautified the school, including the school rock, buddy benches, and three murals.
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
cafe murals
cafe murals
Students in Mrs. McFarland's 1st Grade class worked with Mrs. Marini on an activity called "Float the Peep Bunny" using jellybeans and toothpicks. Students worked collaboratively to design and build a structure. Great job Bulldogs!
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
Field Day shirts (and shorts!!) are available for purchase Mar 23-Apr. 7. This fundraiser has all $$ going DIRECTLY towards purchasing inflatables, equipment, etc. **Note - Everything will be ONLINE SALES only. No cash or checks.
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
Field Day shirts
Order form
QR Code
Todays robo call ** Please note tomorrow is resource day 3
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
robo call
Last night AGR PE Teacher Mr. Downs hosted a Family Fun night! Thanks to @ccpsevhs football players for volunteering to help! What a great time!
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs
fam night
fam night
fam night
fam night
This project yielded two benches to be placed on the playground. With help from Chuck Bates at Culpeper Auto Salvage, the students (design input), and Advanced Coating Solutions (paint), not to mention handprints traced and cut on a plasma cutter, this was a community effort.
almost 2 years ago, AGR Bulldogs